An MS 150 Update

Last month I posted about my upcoming bike ride in the MS 150, and I had several comments from people asking that I send a status update, so here it is.

So far we have raised over $17,000 in donations by our team of 8, and I am only a couple hundred short of my goal of personally raising $2000.

As a team, most of us have been training together pretty regularly in preparation for the ride. We usually go out once a weekend and try to do a longer ride in the 60-70 mile range. I am feeling confident that everyone will be able to finish the ride.

We did have one hiccup last week however. One of our riders (Mark Wineman) was out riding when a truck did a left turn right in front of him as he was going 30 mph down the road. A short trip to the hospital, and a new bike later he is ready to ride again. You can see the aftermath of what happened to his bike on the left.

I really want to thank all those that donated. It really is a tremendous help, and with your support we have raised over $17,000 in donations.

I'll make sure that I post photos of the event after the ride.

If you are still interested in donating it isn't too late. You can donate using the link below:


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